Girl with a invisible clear aliners after visiting St. Catharines dental clinic

What comes to mind when you think about orthodontic treatment? Do you envision a young teen with teeth covered in metal? Truth be told, this is an accurate depiction of many orthodontic patients. However, modern dentistry has expanded our tooth correction options. Now, there is a clear alternative to metal brackets and wires, ClearCorrect discreet aligners.

ClearCorrect in Ontario

As the name implies, ClearCorrect trays are made of transparent polyurethane plastic. For that reason, clear aligners are virtually invisible. Instead of being cemented to teeth like metal or clear braces, ClearCorrect is removable. Clear aligners can be taken out for social events, for eating, and, most importantly, for brushing and flossing your teeth. This is a bittersweet advantage: It means, no matter how tempting, you should not remove your aligners more than is prescribed by your Monarch Dentistry dentist. Here are more benefits of choosing orthodontic treatment with ClearCorrect in Ontario:

Clean your teeth easier — It is so much easier to brush and floss your teeth properly with a removable orthodontic appliance. You will also avoid the tooth discoloration that sometimes occurs with metal braces.

Discreet orthodontic correction — Every patient has unique needs, and ClearCorrect isn’t right for all. But, if you don’t feel that traditional metal brackets and wires will fit into your lifestyle, you have a more discreet option.

No dietary restrictions — To avoid damaging metal braces and wires, it is necessary to adhere to some diet modifications. With ClearCorrect at Monarch Dentistry, you can continue to enjoy all your favorite foods.

No irritation — The thin, flexible material of which ClearCorrect is made will not irritate the soft tissues of the mouth, as metal wires and braces can.

A barrier against teeth grinding — Clear aligners provide protection against clenching and grinding. The trays function as mouthguards that will safeguard your teeth from excessive wear.

Clear Aligners at Monarch Dentistry

Clear aligner technology has only gotten better over the years. Today, ClearCorrect treatment can correct many malocclusions that would have once been too complicated for plastic trays. However, there are still some cases where traditional braces are still the best solution. Contact our Ontario office to discuss orthodontic treatment options.

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